Traditional Rękawka Festival 2024

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 11:30 AM-6:00 PM

  • Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 11:30 AM-6:00 PM

The joint initiative of the Podgórze Cultural Centre and the Drużyna Wojów Wiślańskich KRAK historic re-enactment society means we have been able to explore the roots of another celebration since 2001.

Dating back around a millennium, the Rękawka indulgence is celebrated on the Tuesday after Easter at the Krak Mound and it recalls Slavic funereal rites with their fires and offerings of bread, apples and eggs to spirits of ancestors. Around a thousand years ago the custom became Christianised and the format changed accordingly. However, until the late 19th century, locals engaged in folk games such as rolling bread, cakes, eggs and coins down the slope to be caught by urchins waiting at the bottom. By the early 20th century, Rękawka was surviving only as a fete. The square at the historic Church of St Benedict at the Lasota Hill filled with carousels, market stalls and fair attractions, and Cracovians flocked to the venue to buy balloons, sweets and toys. Today, locals gather at the Krak Mound to travel back in time to mediaeval settlements and to sample ancient Slavic dishes and listen to music our ancestors danced to in days gone by. Events include a spectacular re-enactment of a battle between Vistulans and foreign invaders: the two mighty armies face one another at the foot of the hill, cross swords, axes and spears and fight for glorious victory.

This year’s events will be accompanied by the battle cry “War!” As well as reenactments of traditional customs, we will see a clash of two mighty armies. We’ll also cheer on knights engaging in duels, learn about the political intrigues of Vistulan nobles and explore the role played by women in early-mediaeval wars.

For whom: for children, for seniors, for families
Other: open air event, free admission, acceptable for people with disabilities

Krakus Mound

al. Powstańców Śląskich / ul. Wielicka

Legend has it that this is the last resting place of the legendary founder of Kraków. And in reality? Few facts are known, while one mystery chases another.

Duke (according to another version – king) Krak (or Krakus) is considered the legendary founder of Kraków. When he died, in gratitude for his generosity, kindness, and just reign, his subjects built him a tomb in the form of a mound. Here ends the legend.

Few facts have been established: it is certain that the mound is the city’s oldest structure, that it is 16 m (52.5 ft) high, and its diameter at the base is 60 m (200 ft), and that it stands on the right bank of the Vistula (in the district of Podgórze), on the limestone plateau of Krzemionki. The rest is a mystery: when, thanks to whom, and why was a mound built here? Nothing is known for certain.

It might have been raised in the 8th century, an opinion supported by a bronze Avaric clasp from the period (Panonian Avars, a nomadic people from Central Asia arrived in Eastern Europe in the 6th century AD) found by archaeologists inside the mound. However, some academics would rather see its origin connected to the Celts and their astronomical calendar, and date it to the 1st century AD. The position of King Krakus Mound towards Wanda Mound, 10 km distant (in Nowa Huta) is believed to support that.

In pre-Christian times, the mound was quite probably the scene of Slavic rites, in remembrance of the departed, and observed in the spring. The dead were hailed here, and wakes were organised. The tradition of feasting on and by the mound continued into Christian times, and the rites turned into a regular festivity. During the merrymaking, bonfires were lit, fencing contests organised, and food and money were dropped to the poor from the top of the mound. This indulgence, held even today on the first Tuesday following Easter – by the mound and by the minute Church of Saint Benedict on the neighbouring Lasota Hill – is known as Rękawka: linguists derive the name from the Czech rakew (coffin) or Serbian raka (grave), which may confirm the mound as a place of venerating the dead ancestors, or simply being a grave. In turn, local tradition says that Krak’s people carried the soil to build his grave in their own hands and sleeves (ręka and rękaw), and that this legacy is commemorated in the name.

Still, we know nothing for certain. The mythical founder of Kraków jealously guards his secrets.

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